What: Download and email or mail this pre-written letter (CLICK HERE) to Seaside Oregon Police Chief Dave Ham
Demand: Fire Seaside Corporal David Davidson who killed Cashus Dean Case
Background: PNWFC believes that everyone interacting with police deserves to live after the interaction. The US judicial system says that even suspects are just that — suspects — until they are found to be guilty of a crime and that suspects deserve a trial (i.e. innocent until proven guilty).
Having said that, Deano’s case is especially heartbreaking for his friends and Family. As the letter explains, Deano had just saved the life of Rick Derby from three attacking dogs when police entered onto private property and killed Deano 12 seconds later. Deano was well-loved by his friends and family. Consistently, over our time at his memorial in Seaside talking to his friends and family, Deano was hardworking, protective, neat and fun-loving. He was not committing any crime at the time he was killed by police. As the letter also explains, while he had been convicted of a felony and was not allowed to own operational guns, he was legally allowed to own the two non-functioning antique blackpowder guns he had in his hands at the time. Through our research of available videos, we see that he was holding those antique guns by the barrel, not the grip, likely getting ready for the return to beat the three dogs that had attacked Rick Derby if there were another problem with them.
To Email Seaside Oregon Police Chief Dave Ham:
- Download/Copy and Paste a pre-written letter addressed to Seaside Oregon Police Chief Dave Ham.
- Don’t forget to type in today’s date at the beginning and your name at the end. Add a title if you have one (e.g. Concerned Community Member, Family Friend, Organizer with such and such an organization) or just leave this out.
- Type this in the subject line if you’re emailing. Attn: Seaside Oregon Police Chief Dave Ham Re: Cashus Dean Case and firing Corporal David Davidson
- Email Seaside Oregon Police Chief Dave Ham at dham@cityofseaside.us
Mail a printed letter to:
Police Chief Dave Ham
Seaside Police Department
1091 South Holladay St
Seaside, OR 97138 - Pat yourself on the back.
Extra Credit: Send a copy of this letter with a respectful personal note to your state representative and senator and Governor Kate Brown. (Online: https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Pages/share-your-opinion.aspx ) Maybe explain why you felt moved to send a letter to the police chief and don’t forget to ask them to look into this situation.
Thank you for sending a letter with PNWFC on behalf of Deano’s Family and Friends!
We love you!
Irene Kalonji, Founder
Maria Cahill, Organizer